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- }0a000
- ~iff.Pentagram
- Lord Stradh/Destiny presents...
- }0a0000offf1oeef2oddf3occf4obbf5oaaf6o99f7o88f
- }0o77f1o66f2o55f3o44f4o33f5o22f6o11f7o00f
- }0m8eb0n8de0ofcb0ld34
- {a The media in {lNorway {ahave reported a discovered caves and other religious
- growing interest for {kSatanism{a, Black sites dedicated to {mSatan{a.
- magic and other occult phenomena. The
- whole thing was started by some young {nThe whole of Norway was stunned{a, the
- boys who broke into a church. They Church talked about taking action
- started a {fSatanic ritual {aat the altar against the Satanists, and the Satanic
- of the church and eventually started a movements were satisfied with their
- fire and the police were called. The work. However, the {mSatanists{a hadn't
- next day the largest newspapers in finished there. Numerous church
- Norway were filled with articles about buildings were plastered with
- this incident, and next few days saw a {npentagrams {a and {nSatanic slogans{a and
- lot of {nSatanists {aexposed, the police some were set on fire. This
- demonstrated the power of {mSatan{a and are now marketed in {lPoland{a, too. They
- that evil was winning the battle. were banned because there are occult
- elements in the book, describing a
- One of the largest {nNorwegian{a family that is obliged to Satan
- {nnewspapers {a dedicated their {lSaturday{a because and ancestor of theirs sold
- {ledition {a to Satanism. The church sold his soul to the Dark Lord.
- became desperate; one Bishop would Sandemo's sales have exceeded a
- assign several {kexorcists {a to battle million books.
- against Satan and his children.
- However, the atheists and the {mNo matter to the Satanists{a; none of
- Satanistic agents who had infiltrated these measures could stop Satanism
- the system stopped this proposal from spreading across the entire country.
- being carried out. Many saw the benefits of being a
- Satanist and converted. {kSatanic Rites{a
- {m Christians saw Satanists everywhere.{a can bring some revolutionary news that
- The librarian in my home town banned a has never been made official...
- series of books called {l"{nTale of the{a
- {nIcefolk {l(Sagaen om isfolket)"{a, a A few months before the {mSatanists{a
- series containing over fourty books. went public a very old church building
- These books were written by a Swedish was burnt to the ground. The fire was
- writer called {nMargit Sandemo{a. The caused by a {lGreater Demon {awho will
- books are very popular in Norway, and remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
- {gSatanic Rites {a has spoken with {nHigh{m make the distribution easier.
- {nPriest McAber{a, who has confirmed this
- and said that they were planning more
- assaults on {lChristianity{a the World
- over. So prepare for the last days
- when {kSatan {awill come back to give his
- trusted servant what they deserve.
- {g-------------------------------------{a
- {aAny questions related to {mdemons,
- possession, sacrificial equipment {aor
- {mreligious matters{a may be sent to
- {kDestiny Norway {awho will pass them on
- to the notorious {lSatanic high-priest{a
- {lMcAber.{a He will, with Satan's
- assistance, answer all your questions.
- Here's the address: {kLord
- Stradh/Destiny, PO Box 13, 7130
- Brekstad, Norway.{a
- {mMark the letter with a pentagram to